June/July 2021 School Holiday Program

Wednesday, 30th June 2021
Half Day Afternoon 1pm-5.30pm
Inspiring Entrepreneur and Origami
Meet an inspiring young entrepreneur Justin, a teen and his mum Kham who are going to inspire us on how to fold amazing pieces of paper into masterpieces of origami.
We are going to see the latest methods in creating 3D Origami masterpieces, fun competitions and challenges with our origami creations.
It's fun to create and design with every fold.

Tuesday, 29th June 2021
Full Day
The Power of Smell on our Senses
We explore the benefits of smell in our everyday life and how fragrances make us feel, a masterclass of smells.
Fragrance Spray Workshop where we design and create our own “feel good” sprays, infused with Aura-Soma colour and high vibrational essences for happiness and vitality. Girls will tap into their angel or diva powers and boys their dragon powers to create these enchanted sprays and with their unique creative design for the label.
Let our appreciation for the sense of smell be harnessed and enriched.
Ages: 9-16
Venue: 5 Bounty Avenue, Castle Hill (Girl Guide Hall)
Full Day: 8.30am - 5.30pm (program starts at 9am and finishes at 4pm)
Half Day Morning: 8.30am - 1.00pm (program starts at 9am and finishes at 1pm)
Half Day Afternoon: 1.00pm - 5.30pm (program finishes at 5pm)
Full Day Cost: $120.00
Half Day Cost: $60.00
Cost includes all materials
Early Bird discount - book and pay by 20th June $110.00 for full day and $55.00 for half day
Daily Activities include experiences in: Sound, Mindfulness of ourselves, others and nature, Movement, Breath, Fun and Friendships.
Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea is included for full days. Morning tea is included for half days.
Spaces are limited to 20 participants, so don't delay booking.
Should you wish to discuss or know more, please contact Robyn on 0407 461 740.

Thursday, 1st July 2021
Full Day
Superheros and Superpowers
We are going to tap into our favourite Superhero which could be a cartoon character or a real person. What makes a superhero.
A series of workshops to design our superhero character and create a “Super HERO – Shout OUT” visual diary or journal is perfect to download all your thoughts, draw in positivity and let go or disconnect from the things that aren’t serving our superpowers with mindfulness and gratitude.
Nurture our superhero energy and keep it turned on to be a leader.
Wellness workshops designed to empower and engage the senses.
Practice your connection to the mind and body through creativity, movement, sound, breath, mindfulness, fun and friendships.
You design and create
Tuesday, 6th July 2021
Full Day
Rocks, Gems & Crystal Workshops
Our world around us provides pleasure in the beauty and wonders of rocks, gems and crystals. We are going to explore the amazing benefits of crystals and how to use them and care for them.
Bring your favourite rock, gem or crystal for a day of discovery, through workshops and creative art experiences we are going to design and explore shapes, textures and natural colours.
You will also get to meet Tara an inspiring teen who has her own business in Candle Making who designs and creates.

Wednesday, 7th July 2021
Full Day
Magical Herbs and Plants
Explore nature's herbs and plants that are available in our everyday living. If you like Harry Potter we bring the secrets of today's herbs.
Join the Masterclass which has been designed to challenge your senses in herbs and spices for a fun day of creative learning and exploring.
Using the art of design and create we will produce our own take-home lotion or potion. Selecting the ingredients, mixing, filling and creating the label.
A Game of Quiddich is set for the afternoon for some fun activities.

Thursday, 8th July 2021
Half Day Morning 8.30am-1pm
Speak UP for Confidence!
Learn how to authentically express yourself to engage any audience with your voice and body language.
Through a series of fun and interactive exercises, this workshop will build skills to boost self-esteem and build confidence for inspiring leaders. There will be role-playing opportunities that you will design to be more centred and in your power through expression.
Come and learn to speak up and be confident with this program designed for you!
Thank you to Robyn and Vivid You for the wonderful day my daughters attended. They both loved the introduction to aromatherapy and have been showing the family how to find the best pressure points with the lovely sample of oil they were given. The owl artwork that was created by my girls is a beautiful reminder of the skills they were taught about watercolours and it’s a skill they can take into their future. It’s a wonderful day full of new skills, friendship and relaxation. I would highly recommend it. Catriona
I was really excited when I found out that I could go to this holiday program. My mum owns a lot of essential oils so I was really excited to test some out. I loved how we were shown how to properly use these oils, and how dangerous they can be if we handle them incorrectly. The acupressure was very cool because it showed you how to fix a headache or lift your mood only by touching the pressure points. At around lunch time we had a great time making pizza, this was fun as we made the dough by hand and could shape it to what we preferred. After we made the pizza we waited for it to cook so we made a list of things that worry us, then on a different sheet of paper we made a list of things that we’re grateful for. We then kept the positive paper and scrunched up the negative paper… Once we had lunch we went to have smores! We firstly sketched our artwork and then we watercolour painted it. I loved it so much! The teachers we had were great and really nice. And the Host, Robyn was very patient with us. I personally recommend it to all. Linda