Theta Healing Course - Basic DNA
Certificate in Theta Healing

If you think there’s more to life, you’re right! The key is having the tools to change your life in a loving and meaningful way. No matter what life has thrown at you, you have the power to take charge. In today’s world, it’s essential to find ways to navigate and realize that everything is possible.
ThetaHealing® is a powerful technique that allows you to quickly identify limiting belief systems, dissolve blocks, and reprogram both the conscious and subconscious mind through the theta brainwave state. Discover a new, empowered way of living and recreate your life exactly as you choose. All you need is an open mind and a belief in your ability to transform every area of your life.
Why is it called ThetaHealing? The name comes from the theta brainwave state, which allows us to access and change subconscious beliefs at a cellular level. In this state, we can make positive, lasting changes that impact all aspects of our lives.
What you will learn:
Background of ThetaHealing and Vianna Stibal's Journey
Understand how our electromagnetic being is influenced by energy, including our thoughts, feelings, and both conscious and subconscious beliefs, often referred to as our programming.
Explore different brainwave states and learn how to access the theta brainwave.
Gain skills in intuitive body scans and energetic readings, applicable to all areas of life.
Discover the various belief systems and their interconnections.
Master sway or muscle testing to access your subconscious beliefs.
Identify and release blocks to transformation, including fears and illnesses.
Learn how to facilitate healing on multiple levels.
Develop and enhance your intuition.
Connect with all that is, including the various planes of existence, to gain insights into our vast and eternal worlds.
Work with various types of energies and how they can affect us.
You will also be able to practice and witness the life-changing outcomes.
Explore how to manifest and the techniques to identify the blocks that prevent you from achieving your dreams, so you can live a happy and vibrant life.
Working with pets and animals
Every situation in your life has been created for a reason. You are constantly learning lessons and virtues that enrich your life on earth. We also have free will or agency on taking on beliefs and you will learn how to embody the virtues and feelings. Life can be as difficult or as easy as you want and ThetaHealing allows you to create that shift easily and effortlessly.
Are you ready to learn how to shift your beliefs and live the life of your dreams?
Prerequisites: None
Taught: In person
What is included in the course:
Comprehensive ThetaHealing Manual – Basic DNA
Theta Healing paperback book
Official ThetaHealing Certificate
Friday, 8th November 2024 - 10 am – 5 pm
Saturday, 9th November 2024 - 10 am – 5 pm
Sunday, 10th November 2024 - 10 am – 5 pm
BYO lunch or there are many local restaurants in Epping.
Refreshments supplied
Epping Creative Centre
26 Stanley Street
Epping NSW 2121
Course Cost:
Total: $660.00
Deposit: $150.00 (non refundable but transferable)
Payment plans are available.
Scholarships available on request
Terms and conditions apply

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