A reflection on past programs
Mindfulness was embodied by designing and painting mandalas with our intention of the day in beautiful bold colours of our choice.

Dimuthu from Wonderful Me explored different types of friendships which lead us into a discussion on how non-verbal communication represents 80% of how we communicate. We designed our own game of role-playing different emotions non-verbally.

Alice from @kinesialice designed a special program to show us about essential oils followed by a great tutorial and hands-on learning of acupressure for happy, healthy minds and bodies. Holding and massaging certain points in our body for helping us to think clearly, coping with anxiety, letting go of emotional stuff, improving memory, lessening and reducing the impact of nausea, calming the mind, helping with insomnia and many more daily challenges. Alice reminded us that practising new skills is important for creating new neurological pathways and for firming up the new practice into our daily routine.
Jani taught us how to let go of any worries we may have and bring in what we are good at in our artwork – through the expression of “I am LOVE”. The tutorial included designing our chosen character, drawing and then using colour with watercolour techniques to explore our creativity through shapes and effects. Thank you Jani from Artful Designs 123.
It was wonderful to see new friendships being developed and existing one’s deepening.

A sound meditation lead by Paris from The Creative Heart Centre where our senses were lifted with wonderful vibrations of different instruments, we even got to play with all the instruments. We designed our own orchestra of sound, and it sounded amazing. The end of the session we had brighter and happier faces.

Thank you to Robyn and Vivid You for the wonderful day my daughters attended. They both loved the introduction to aromatherapy and have been showing the family how to find the best pressure points with the lovely sample of oil they were given. The owl artwork that was created by my girls is a beautiful reminder of the skills they were taught about watercolours and it’s a skill they can take into their future. It’s a wonderful day full of new skills, friendship and relaxation. I would highly recommend it. Catriona
I was really excited when I found out that I could go to this holiday program. My mum owns a lot of essential oils so I was really excited to test some out. I loved how we were shown how to properly use these oils, and how dangerous they can be if we handle them incorrectly. The acupressure was very cool because it showed you how to fix a headache or lift your mood only by touching the pressure points. At around lunch time we had a great time making pizza, this was fun as we made the dough by hand and could shape it to what we preferred. After we made the pizza we waited for it to cook so we made a list of things that worry us, then on a different sheet of paper we made a list of things that we’re grateful for. We then kept the positive paper and scrunched up the negative paper… Once we had lunch we went to have smores! We firstly sketched our artwork and then we watercolour painted it. I loved it so much! The teachers we had were great and really nice. And the Host, Robyn was very patient with us. I personally recommend it to all. Linda