Our children are often burdened with their fair share of emotional, mental or physical challenges. This can spiral into chaotic emotional and behavioral states which the child has no control over.
I am able to work with individuals as well as family members to restore balance and harmony. We have all heard the analogy that our children are a copy or have similar traits to their parents.
As we are all learning our life lessons and once the lessons are in our awareness, we able to clear these lessons to restore the balance safely and lovingly.
Are you having issues with your family, your kids are driving you crazy, teenager frustrations, marriage issues, feeling disconnected, lost.....?
Restore the balance into your family life.
Supporting Children
Ask me about my child / teenage Program!
I am a testament to healing myself and clearing the triggers of marriage and also raising teenage girls. I was fortunate during my study to have had many healing sessions to clear the triggers from my family. I was then in the right frame of mind to assist and support my teenage daughters when they were being tormented, depressed and anxious from a place of peace and calm.
There have been many occasions when my daughters have had physical signs that they have been out of balance and I have suggested healing with the response "later mum"... later in my house means "I am busy". This is where I conduct the healing of the particular ailments on myself and through the metamorphic genetic field around our DNA, clearing emotions on a subconscious level is possible. The body of course always needs support on the physical e.g. cold sores being a virus holds the belief of worthiness.
Depending on the age, Reiki is also a wonderful modality to bring calm and balance back to anxious children.
"I am feeling good after the session and I am beginning to feel more hope and excitement about the future rather than fear." B (16 years)"
Robyn was the missing link in my daughter’s treatment for anorexia. After many different medical appointments, one session with Robyn enabled my daughter to make a deeper connection and understanding of what her body is going through. She is looking forward to her next session." Mum CH
I have received several healings from Robyn in 2020 and I am always amazed by the blocks she identifies within me. She has a gift for finding what appears to me as subtle and odd issues but once the healing is taking place I experience profound shifts. I am always excited to see her and to discover who I will become walking out. I highly recommend seeing Robyn! Trond